Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Costume Parties Are Underrated

This weekend was quite eventful for all members of the apartment. Whilst our beloved Laura ventured off to Eugene to visit her camp counselor friends, two members of the Fulwider family came to town: Mama Fulwider and Tay Tay. The classic apartment dinner was a must, even though Laura was dearly missed. The meal was characterized by fried food and milkshakes that will most definately NOT look good under all of our Halloween costumes, but who really cares. We're not the type to parade around in lingerie anyway. After an hour of Tay Tay flinging onion rings across the table, drooling on her plate and spitting carrots in Erica's hair, we went Halloween costume shopping. Deciding that all of our costumes would be based around some sort of ridiculous wig was no surprise, but what to actually dress up as was the new challenge.... after two minutes of deliberation, I am pleased to inform you that we will be dressing up as ANIME PEOPLE.

Rather than boring all of you, I will sum up the rest of the night in three words: DARE OR CHALLENGE. Allison chugged maple syrup, Erica snorted a line of powdered cheese from a Mac and Cheese box - complete with dollar bill donated by Zach Damby, Tay Tay ate a spoonful of butter with dijon mustard on it, Tasha challenged Blake to a dance off (and lost terribly), and Will and Zach leap frogged through the party in their underwear. SUCCESS. 

oh... and all this was while we were dressed up like idiots:

1 comment:

  1. oh goodness all i can say is im glad i found this. sounds like you're up to no good which is exactly what i wanted to hear. i miss you cra-cras and hopefully ill get to see your pretty faces soon
