Thursday, September 29, 2011

Meet T.E.A.L.

Wud up! Wud up! Wud up! Wud up! We just finished reading Julia's first blog post for her London experience and we decided to create a blog of our own. Whilst all of our amigos are studying abroad across the world, we figured that we needed a way to keep everyone up to date on our mundane lives at Gonzaga University in the beautiful Spokane, Washington!

To introduce ourselves we took the liberty of writing the complete and utterly truthful bio of,not ourselves, but each other:
                                                                                           Hi! I'm Laura Forester and I am from Modesto, California. For all of you Star Wars fans out there... yes, that is also the birth place of George Lucas. I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting him, but he was at my house a few years back and when the wind blows just right, I think I can smell him. In my spare time I like to make sketches of brown paper bags and doodle on my notebooks. Many people identify me with my infatuation with babies and how they are "miniature humans," but others identify me by my awkward run-ins in the library where I think I am saying "hi" to someone I know, but it is actually someone I have never seen before... I'm sure you can all identify with those types of situations :) I am majoring in Sociology.
                                                                                          WOW WOW WOW, it's me, Tasha, but you can call me tushey, ta-tas, little-indian-snookie, or anything that makes you think of kittens and gummy bears dancing and laughing in the sunshine. I am one of those people who say they're from Seattle, but really I live in this poe-dunk town called Covington with my parents and no siblings (which is probably why I fight like a hamster). When I grow up I want to be a doctor, or at least that's what I tell people, but really my only dream is to reach 5 feet tall. I like to ride horses in my free time... naked... on the beach... with my jet black hair streaming in the breeze...but don't get the wrong idea, I'm in charge of the sexual health and wellness program at Gonzaga, so put it back in your pants. But if you REALLY want to get to know me just be aware that I don't go for the typical pickup lines, I like people to talk nerdy to me.
                                                                                          Oh herro everyone! My name is Allison (Arrison, Ally Cat, poop tard, etc.). I am often described as "intimidating", but I prefer "intense". One of my pet peeves is when people aren't as smart as I am... I mean, really, does it REALLY take a half hour of painstaking questions to figure out how to draw 2,2-dimethylpropanol-4-butyl-5,7-isoleucinequinolinebenzenenonane?!?!?!?! It's not like rocket science is hard people! As you may have noticed, I like chemistry. I have lots of friends, but my best friends are inanimate things like chemicals. Who are the rest of my friends you ask? Well, "they" are Dr. Cremeens. Yes, I am as nerdy as I sound... what were you expecting from a girl who works at the library. Now that I have scared off anyone reading this, I think it's time to let you in on a few "neat" things about me. Most people like to relax by drinking a glass of tea, or watching a movie, but me? NO. I eat an entire jar of peanut butter... with my bare hands. I have the above average number of near-death experiences, many of which I can thank my crazy adrenaline-loving boyfriend for. And, most importantly, I have 1 question for you... "DARE? OR CHALLENGE?" because I'd rather watch you lick the toilet seat than hear anything truthful about your life.
                                                                                          Hi. I'm Erica Leigh Fulwider. Most people know me by my loss of keys into Kennedy or my constant outbursts of words that start with the "Oooooooooo" sound. I'm quite interested in major issues of the world like the ecosystem and biodiversity of the Himalayas. But don't be fooled. Though my long, luscious, sensual blond hair may suggest it, I'm NOT a tree-hugging, animal saving, "honk if you want peace" hippie. In fact, my food group of choice is meat. Anyone who has tried to open my freezer would be smacked in the face by my abundant supply of the variety of muscular abundance... literally. I'm inspired by most completely normal things like photos of cats and awkward fat people. I think I look really cool when I don't match my socks...or shoes...or when I go barefoot and everyone can see my missing toenails. I generally wear over-sized clothing. But that's just because I prefer to strut my stuff in Kitchen Accessories. If you want to get to know me better, be sure to ask my millions of lady-friends. Oh wait. I don't really have any. OOOOOooooooops!